Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies in the Nor­dic Coun­tries 2018 Con­fer­ence

Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 3rd Conference (DHN 2018) was organized at the University of Helsinki in March 7-9 2018. The conference, organized by HELDIG – the Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities, brought together over 300 researchers and practitioners of digital humanities. As the digital humanities as a field is a complex mixture of partially overlapping domains, such as humanities computing, multimodal cultural heritage, and digital culture studies, the conference attracted guests from a variety of disciplines in humanities, language technology, and computer science.

Themes for DHN 2018 were History, Cultural Heritage, Games and Future, selected to comply with local DH interests as well as current thinking about the DHN setting in an international context. The overarching theme for the conference was Open Science, emphasising the role of transparent and reproducible research practices, open dissemination of results, and new forms of collaboration, all greatly facilitated by digitalisation. Conference also included nine pre-conference workshops. Part of the conference was organized as a public event, Di­gital & Crit­ical Fri­day at Tiedekulma, which also included three Open Sci­ence themed work­shops.

Based on the feedback by almost a hundred participants, the conference was successful in its aim to bring people together and to function as a high-standard platform for presenting one’s digital humanities research. The conference also presented a rather new feature for humanities scholars of peer-reviewed publication ready presentation (that were also published in conference proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2084/). For a more detailed analysis of the composition of DHN2018, see: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2084/preface.pdf

More information on DHN 2018:

Association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic countries (DHN):