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The blockchain distributed consensus model has been claimed to be the most important invention since the Internet was invented. Blockchains are also likened to the development and proliferation of the double entry bookkeeping, an invention that has since the 15th century served as the foundation for our current monetary and economic system. At the same time, blockchains have lingered at the top of the Gartner hype cycle for a couple of years now.

The goal of this digi breakfast is simultaneously to paint the big picture of how blockchains actually might change our society and to ground the technology to its roots, explaining its technical foundations as simply as possible. From that base we then take a forward looking position, trying to understand how their massive replication and openness may transform certain relatively narrow but important factors of the industry and the society. This event we attempt to bring some order to this picture, scaling off the hype and looking at what is the real deal with blockchains, and network researchers, students, industrials and policy makers in this domain.

Please register through this link by 03.06.2018.

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Location: Aalto University, Design Factory, Stage, Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, Espoo.