HIIT Open 2018 programming contest

16 teams took part in the HIIT Open 2018 programming contest on 26 May 2018 in Otaniemi. The contest was open to everyone interested in programming and algorithmic challenges – this year we had a record number of participants, with 16 teams and a total of 42 contestants. In addition to the participants from the universities in Helsinki region, we also had participants from Finnish companies and high schools, and for the first time we also got three teams from the Tallinn University of Technology.

The winning team was “Ukkonen Fan Club”, with Antti Röyskö, Kalle Luopajärvi, and Hannes Ihalainen, all of them from the University of Helsinki. The 2nd place went to the team “Wave of Technology”, with Janne Kokkala (Aalto University) and Ville Pettersson (Valas Media), and the 3rd place went to the team “Karhukopla”, with three high school students: Juha Harviainen, Siiri Kuoppala, and Roope Salmi.

The teams had 13 tasks to solve, and 5 hours of time. In each task the teams had to write a computer program that solves a given task correctly and efficiently. The winning team solved 11/13 tasks correctly; all tasks are available at https://cses.fi/177/list/.

For more information on the HIIT Open programming contest, please see http://open.hiit.fi/ – the contest has been organized since 2016 in collaboration between HIIT, Aalto University, and the University of Helsinki.