About Miikka

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So far Miikka has created 177 blog entries.

HIIT Open Discussion Hour


Time: May 17th at 13:00-14:00
Location: Lecture room T5, T building, Otaniemi

Welcome to discuss current matters of interest to HIIT and the Helsinki region ICT community at large. The Director of HIIT, Petri Myllymäki, will first give a brief status report and go through [...]

HIIT Open Discussion Hour2020-05-27T20:25:12+03:00

Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies in the Nor­dic Coun­tries 2018 Con­fer­ence


Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 3rd Conference (DHN 2018) was organized at the University of Helsinki in March 7-9 2018. The conference, organized by HELDIG - the Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities, brought together [...]

Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies in the Nor­dic Coun­tries 2018 Con­fer­ence2020-05-27T20:25:22+03:00

Panagiotis Papapetrou Visited Aalto University in Spring 2018


Panagiotis Papapetrou Visited Aalto University in Spring 2018

Panagiotis Papapetrou was a visiting professor at the Department of Computer Science of Aalto University in March 2018. Panagiotis Papapetrou is a professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences of Stockholm University, Sweden. During his visit professor Papapetrou gave a course in Aalto University, which was titled “Learning from electronic health records”. The course focused on recent research developments on the topics of representing and summarizing electronic health records as well as algorithms for predictive modeling of complex health data. In addition, professor Papapetrou collaborated [...]

Panagiotis Papapetrou Visited Aalto University in Spring 20182020-05-27T20:59:56+03:00

Leading trends in AI – a new weekly minisymposium


Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI launches a series of minisymposia on leading trends in Finnish AI research in conjunction with the weekly Machine Learning Coffee Seminars. The FCAI symposium series will provide an opportunity to catch up with the latest AI research [...]

Leading trends in AI – a new weekly minisymposium2020-05-27T20:25:44+03:00

Interactive AI to address gestational diabetes


A new HIIT project co-funded by Business Finland has started where machine learning and HCI researchers are contributing to address gestational diabetes.

The project is originated from the CleverHealth Network, an ecosystem coordinated by the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS). The main [...]

Interactive AI to address gestational diabetes2020-05-27T20:25:58+03:00

Women in Data Science brings a global phenomenon to Helsinki


The Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference (widsconference.org) aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and support women in the field. This annual one-day technical conference provides an opportunity to hear about the latest data science [...]

Women in Data Science brings a global phenomenon to Helsinki2020-05-27T20:26:04+03:00

Staff member election to the HIIT Board


The HIIT Board for the next 4 years starting 1.4.2018 will be appointed soon. In a HIIT staff meeting 21.2.2018, the staff elected Antti Honkela as staff representative to the Board, with Matti Nelimarkka as deputy. Antti is an assistant professor at University of Helsinki and Matti is a postdoc at Aalto University.

Staff member election to the HIIT Board2018-05-09T10:41:25+03:00

FCHealth meeting brings researchers together under the topic of drug resistance


The meeting of the FCHealth (Foundations of Computational Health) research programme of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) was held on 6 February 2018 in Biomedicum Helsinki, and it brought together nearly 40 scientists from 12 different research groups. [...]

FCHealth meeting brings researchers together under the topic of drug resistance2020-05-27T20:26:24+03:00

HIIT supports event about socio-technological innovation for the economy


Economy is undergoing a shift and needs new global and localised socio-technological interventions to accommodate the changes. To address the issue, a seminar "Blockchain Experiment Starting: Can local currency become new strength of Helsinki?" was held on [...]

HIIT supports event about socio-technological innovation for the economy2020-05-27T20:26:51+03:00

FIMM-HIIT Doctoral student call 2018


Modern molecular medicine requires state-of-the-art methodologies in data science, including algorithms and machine learning methods, and the analysis, visualization and modelling of large data sets.

As part of an annual international joint call of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine [...]

FIMM-HIIT Doctoral student call 20182020-05-27T20:26:57+03:00

The first AI Day attracts 600 participants


The Artificial Intelligence Day held on 13 December 2017 in Dipoli, brought together 600 artificial intelligence experts and enthusiasts from universities, research organizations, companies and the public sector. The organiser of the event, the new Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI established by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, wishes to make the AI Day an annual [...]

The first AI Day attracts 600 participants2020-05-27T20:27:10+03:00